Binary Blaze

Movie Recommendations from your own personal library

Introducing an exciting context-aware chatbot that offers personalized movie recommendations straight from your own movie database! Imagine telling it, "I need a good laugh," and it responds with, "You should definitely watch Glass Onion!" Your movie database is simply a text file listing movie titles and their synopses. The app features a user-friendly text field where you can ask any movie-related question, and it will provide answers based on your list. The best part? The assistant's API takes care of managing conversation history for you, organizing everything neatly into threads. Enjoy seamless and dynamic movie suggestions with ease!

Project on GitHub: Binary Blaze

  1. Create an Assistant using the technique from OpenAI API: openai.beta.assistants.create()
  2. Give it a name like "Movie Expert"
  3. Add "file_search" as the tool to use
  4. Tell it which model to use like "GPT-4"
  5. Upload the files, in this case a .txt file and get the file object ID which allows us to reference object
  6. OpenAI does all the chunking, indexing, and storing the embeddings and use vector search to answer our queries which completes a lot of the RAG work for us
  7. Creating the Assistant provides us with an assistant ID whcih we will use to reference the assistant and other endpoints
  8. Create a thread and get the thread ID
  9. Create and add messages to the thread
  10. Run the asstiant
  11. Wire up code to the front end, display messages on the page

Video Demonstration:
