VR Score System

Keyboard to Database Setup

This is a high point score system built in Unity for Virtual Reality. The project demonstrates a technique for setting up a keyboard in VR. It also features a remote database for storing information. This is useful for storing a list of high scores for a game. Created in Unity using using the Oculus Integration package.

  • VR Environment
  • MongoDB Database Backend
  • Custom Keyboard for User Input
  • Displays a list of scores saved remotely

Project Demo:


Code Sample:

    public async void SaveScoreToDataBase(string userName, int score)                      
            var document = new BsonDocument { { userName, score } };
            await collection.InsertOneAsync(document);
    public async Task> GetScoresFromDataBase()
            var allScoresTask = collection.FindAsync(new BsonDocument());
            var scoresAwaited = await allScoresTask;
            List highscores = new List();
            foreach (var score in scoresAwaited.ToList())
            return highscores;