VR Tank Game
Here's a mini-game I put together to explore the game dynamics of Tanks in Virtual Reality. Tanks-A-Lot is a virtual reality first-person tank game. Stay in the open for too long and BOOM! The enemy tanks will get you. Move around, use strategy and terrain to battle the enemy tanks in this action-oriented tactical game. Built with Unity, C# and Oculus Integration.
Code Sample:
private void FireCannon() { if (PlayerInput.CannonFire == true && nextCannon < Time.time) { CannonSource.PlayOneShot(CannonSound); CreateCannonSmoke(); nextCannon = Time.time + CannonTimer; var firedProjectile = Instantiate(Projectile, BarrelExit.transform.position, BarrelExit.transform.rotation); firedProjectile.GetComponent().velocity = BarrelExit.transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(0, 0, ProjectileSpeed * Time.deltaTime)); Destroy(firedProjectile, 5f); } }